CS:GO teams to compete in inaugural ASUS ROG Masters Asia Pacific tourney

About 500 regional teams will compete in ASUS' first APAC eSports tournament.

by Justin Choo

Well, I’d never – CS:GO is a first-person shooter that’s as old as the day is long, and it’s going to be the official game of the first ASUS ROG Masters Asia Pacific eSports tournament.

ASUS says that they’re looking to get 500 teams across 15 countries in the region to take part in the inaugural ROG Masters for APAC.

What’s interesting is that you don’t need to be a pro to take part, and neither do you have to be physically there. The inaugural tournament will be conducted online.

This unique competition will feature both professionals and enthusiasts who will compete in three stages over two months – country qualifiers followed by the country finals and the Asia Pacific finals.

To keep the tourney competitive, the local professional teams will automatically be given places in the domestic finals so that enthusiasts have a chance to advance deep into the competition and possibly end their journey as champions.

If you’re not interested in participating in the tournament but are interested in following its progress, you can still do so at the ASUS ROG Singapore Facebook page . ASUS will live-stream all matches from the quarterfinal stage onwards (check the Facebook page). The Singapore qualifiers will start in the last week of March while the country finals will take place on 28 March 2021. The country champions will advance to the APAC stage, and the finals will be live-streamed in the fourth week of April 2021.

Winners of the Singapore finals will take home US$800, while the runners up will take back US$400. Winners of the APAC finals will walk away with US$10,000, while second and third will take US$3,500 and US$1,500 respectively.

Registration will be open from 8-28 February 2021 at the official tournament website, rogmasters.gg , and further details, schedules and updates can all be found here. The roster of professional teams will also be announced on 25th February.

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