The Shrink Next Door is an eight-part dark comedy led by Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd, together for the first time since Anchorman 2. It explores the strange relationship between celebrity psychiatrist Dr Isaac “Ike” Herschkopf (Paul Rudd) and longtime patient Martin “Marty” Markowitz (Will Ferrell). The two leading actors also serve as executive producers.
The series starts with a seemingly normal doctor-patient relationship that turns into a toxic, exploitative mess, as the likeable Ike slowly inserts himself deeper and deeper into Marty’s life. The good doctor is also a master of manipulation, and he manoeuvres himself into Marty’s Hamptons home and even convinces Marty to name him president of the family business.
The Shrink Next Door is based on a real-life story recounted by veteran Bloomberg journalist Joe Nocera, whose neighbour Ike inspired the highly popular podcast of the same name, which in turn, serves as the inspiration for TV series. You can check out the podcasts here .
The Shrink Next Door will make its global debut Friday, November 12, 2021, on Apple TV+ with the first three episodes, and new episodes will premiere weekly, every Friday.